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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Some info about surf

Anybody wanna surf...

Almost anyone can learn how to surf. Surfing is an enjoyable sport which can be relaxing or competitive, depending on what you’re looking for. You don’t need a whole lot of equipment to surf, but what you do need can be expensive. If you’re not certain that surfing is the sport for you, you may want to rent your surfing gear before plunking down the money to buy a board. Most surf shops can set you up with a board, as well as a wetsuit or rash guard, if necessary.

A surfboard is the most important piece of surfing gear you’ll need. As a beginner just learning how to surf, it’s best to start with longboard surfing, which uses a surfboard that’s wider at the nose (front of the board) and tail (back of the board) than a traditional short board. A longboard is generally at least nine feet long and has a rounded nose. Longboard surfing is great for beginners because the board floats much better than a short board, and it’s easier to catch waves. If you’ll be renting your surfing gear, you’ll probably be given a long, soft surfboard, which is difficult to break or hurt someone else with. Like a longboard, this will have a rounded nose.

Most surfers these days use a leash, which keeps the surfer and the surfboard connected. A leash should be a little longer than the surfboard, and you should secure it around the ankle that will be toward the back of the surfboard. Although a leash can keep a surfboard from becoming loose and hitting someone else in the water (or being dashed to bits on rocks), it can also be dangerous. It is possible for a leash to become tangled around underwater rocks or other obstacles, which can prevent you from safely reaching the surface. For this reason, look for a leash with a safety release.

Wax is the cheapest piece of surfing gear you’ll need, although you may need to buy it often. Wax gets applied to the top (deck) of your surfboard in small circles. You want the wax to be textured to help you stay on the board. You can also use traction, which sticks onto your surfboard deck and reduces the amount of wax you’ll have to buy.

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