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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wakeboarding basic tips

Just another tips on Wakeboarding

The best way to learn how to wakeboard is to start slowly taking a single step at a time which will prove safer and surer than trying to become an expert in one go, and thus end up with broken bones in the bargain. Try just jumping the wake first before you try to flip over it.

Another important piece of equipment that you must always have on when you start to learn how to wakeboard is a life jacket. You must never be without a life jacket because it will prevent you from drowning should a wave suddenly strike you down, or when you lose your balance and are dunked into the water.

If you haven’t ever participated in water sports water can be like hitting concrete if you are going fast enough. If you hit your head hard enough and are knocked out, without a life jacket you will drown. A life jacket will also make you more visible to other boats in the water so you don’t get run over. A helmet may not be a bad idea either.

To get up on a wakeboard you need to have the board perpendicular to the boat, unlike waterskiing where your ski(s) are facing the boat. As the boat pulls forward hang on to the rope with a little bit of a bend in your elbow. Literally let the boat pull you out of the water.

As it pulls you up straighten the board bend your knees slightly and you are on your way. You will probably fall a few times, but that is part of learning how to do anything. After a few falls I think that you will get it. Just don’t give up because you are frustrated.

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